
Nomads Golf Association Charter (Revised 12/05/2012)

Article I – NAME
The name of this golf club shall be Nomads Golf Association, otherwise know as the NGA.

Article II – Purpose
The purpose of the club is to promote the sport of golf in its ancient and honorable traditions, to maintain a high standard of sportsmanship, and enjoy the friendship of its members and their families. To maintain a uniform system of handicapping as set forth by the USGA Handicap System and issues USGA Handicap indexes to the members and to provide an authoritative body to govern and conduct club competitions.

Section 1. Membership shall be available to all GOLFERS (male & female) 21 years of age or older. There shall be at least 10-members, with a maximum membership of One hundred (100). Revised July 13, 2005

Section 2. Memberships in the club are individual and non-transferable. Memberships in the club are for a calendar year. The fiscal year for the club will be February 1st through January 31st.

Section 3. Golfers with a reasonable opportunity to play golf with fellow members and who can personally return scores for posting will receive WPGA Handicap Indexes from the club.

Section 4. To remain a member in “good standing”; each member must attend a minimum of six (6) events/outings per fiscal year (February – January). Any member living 80-miles or more from Lower Bucks County will be exempt from meeting the “outing participation” requirements. In case a member doesn’t play 6 Golf Outings, they lose the right to vote on any Bylaw Changes, till they are a current member in “good standing” (Golf Trips are excluded, not counted as a monthly golf outing). Revised 11/16/2016.

Definition of a “member in good standing”
a.) A member in good standing will play six (6) events/outings per fiscal year (February – January). and when signing up for an event, will be responsible to show up at said event and will be courtesy and conduct themselves as adults and show respect to all other members and the Elected executive Board of the Nomads Golf Association, during each event, meetings, Trips, etc. Outing coordinator will send Monster Mail form email that he gets to confirm that you signed up. That is your contract with Nomads Golf Association. If you need to cancel for any reason, member must contact outing coordinator as soon as they know you can’t make event. No member can sign up and just not show up. (see Cancellation rules)
b.) A member is asked to be on time before their said tee time. Outing coordinator will send out a tee sheet three days before event.
c.) A member is to play ready golf at all times and help out other members if their having problems looking for their ball.
d.) All Nomad Members shall conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times.
e.) A member is allowed to bring guests and will be responsible for the guests being on time, pace of play before and after said event. (See Guest policies.)

Guest Policy

    a). We encourage Members to bring out guests and encourage them to join the club. They will not be given a handicap and will not be part of the hole in one fund. They will still be able to participate in closet to the pins (optional). revised February 2024


Cancellation and Inclement policy
When members sign up, that is your contract with the club that you will make every effort to show up for said event. If something comes up (family, work etc.) where you must cancel for whatever reason, you must call the course the day of said event and call/and email outing coordinator. If the weather is suspect, we ask you to please try to go to said event. If you don’t, you must call the course and contact the outing coordinator by phone and/or email.

Section 5. The Executive Committee may confer honorary memberships upon those whom they feel have contributed to the advancement of golf (and or the club). The unanimous affirmative vote of the Executive committee shall be required to approve such action.

Section 6. In the event that any member of the club shall commit any act which reflects discredit or disrepute thereon or shall refuse or neglect to comply with the rules and regulations adopted by the Executive Committee or the duly appointed officers, such member shall be subject to suspension or expulsion after (ten days) written notice and the right to be heard, by a vote of two-thirds of the Executive Committee at any regular meeting for such purpose.

Section 7. General Meeting’s will take place in February, July and December. The Executive Committee shall provide for the holding of such other meetings as may be deemed necessary or desirable, and they shall call special meetings upon written petition signed by not less than (ten percent of the membership).

Section 8. A legal quorum at any meeting shall be 10% of members present in person or by proxy at any scheduled meeting. Each active member in good standing shall be entitled to 1-vote.

Section 9 Membership dues shall be $65. General dues $20, Hole-in-1 fund will be $20 per year. The  handicap service (provided by Western Pennsylvania Golf Association) shall be $25 per year (or the current fees charged by WPGA). Such amounts as they deem to be adequate to operate & maintain the club. All money’s collected shall accrue to the benefit of the membership. Annually, if payments are made after the March 1st, members will be charged with a $10 late fee. Revised November 2008

Associate Membership – Bylaw deleted 2/10/2024

Section 10. Hole-in-One Fund will be in a guaranteed bank account for payment when a member hit’s an ace in a NGA trip or outing. An official NGA outing must be available for all NGA members to attend; it must be posted on the web site and listed in the current NGA newsletter. The “Hole-In-One” fund will be capped at $2000. Additional aces will receive remaining balances or funds in $2000 increments. The NGA will always maintain a minimum of two (2) $2000 Hole-In-One funds for members to win. Revised November 2008

a. Golf Trips will be considered an official NGA outing if all the following criteria are met.

1. First, the golf trip must be organized by a full member of good standing of the NGA (previous year) and open and available for all members of the NGA to attend.

2. Secondly, all information regarding the trip (contact person with phone and email address, location, arrival and departure dates, all of the courses to be played, all expenses (including green fees, travel, and accommodations), and travel options shall be available to the NGA membership no less then 90 days prior to the golf trip via email to the membership and posted on the NGA website.

3. Thirdly, more then 50% of the golf trip participants must be full members of good standing of the NGA.

4. Lastly, if a hole-in-one is hit, it must be witnessed by at least 2 other golfers, one of which must be another NGA member of good standing. Revised January 2008

b. Annually, if no Hole-in-one is hit at an NGA event prior to August 1, the NGA will use entire 3rd Hole-in-1 fund to subsidize the buffet & prizes for the annual “NGA Singles Club Championship” outing. The buffet will take place at the venue of the outing. Added November 2008

Section 11. Bylaw deleted on 1/28/2020.

Section 12  Bylaw deleted 2/15/2024

Section 13. All members must participate & be issued a WPGA handicap index through the NGA for a $25 annual fee. USGA-GHIN handicap program provided by the Western Pennsylvania Golf Association for the current fees charged by the WPGA (currently $25 per members). Added November 2005.

Section 14. Eliminated (12/05/2012)

Section 15.  All members must receive an USGA handicap index through the NGA (Golf Association of Philadelphia-club member) for a $25 per year annual fee. Revised November 2024

Section 16. Eliminated (12/05/2012)

Section 17. Yardage (Tee Box)
The official yardage at all sanctioned NGA events (Hole-In-One, Closest to the Pin, Low Net, Singles Championship, Member-Member Championship, Spring Championship, Match Play Championship, Golfer of the Year Championship and Ryder Cup) will be played from the White Men’s tee’s always, but will play the “Men’s Regular Tee Boxes” that are the White tee’s (Revised 11/19/2016)

a. To be eligible to compete & win all NGA sanctioned events, members must play from the “NGA sanctioned tee box”. (White Men’s Tee Boxes). (Revised 12/05/2012)

b. Anyone who is 59.5 years of age or older at the time of the outing “may” elect to play from the men’s tee box directly in front of the official NGA sanctioned tee box for that outing. The senior would still qualify to participate in “All NGA sanctioned events”. (Revised 12/05/2012)

c. Any member 59.5 or younger “may” elect to play from the men’s tee box in front of the official NGA sanctioned tee box. However, those members will not be eligible for: Hole-in-one, Closest to the Pin, Low Net, Singles Championship, Spring Championship, Member-Member Championship, Match Play Championship, Golfer of the Year Championship and Ryder Cup points for that outing.

d. Any member “may” elect to play any tee box back from the NGA sanctioned tee box and will still be eligible to compete & win all NGA sanctioned events. (Revised 12/05/2012)

e. If there are no White Tee Boxes, the outing coordinator will call the course and determine their equivalent tee box. (Revised 12/05/2012)

f. If course has “white” tee’s that are senior tee’s, outing coordinator will call course and ask which tee box is the regular “men’s” tees. (revised 11/19/2016)

Section 18. In any competitive completions (low net, match-play tournament, singles club championship or member-member club championship’s) Starting with the 2008 season, each participating member would receive strokes for the event based on 100% of their course handicap for all club championships).

Section 19. (Eliminated in 2008)

Section 20. (Eliminated in 2/15/2012)

Section 21. To be eligible to compete in the Club Championship (Singles) each member must attend a minimum of 6 outings prior to the “SINGLES” CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP”. (Revised 1/28/2020)
a. The Club and Spring Champion and Match Play Champion each year, will be given the “Nomads Golf Association Single’s Championship”, Spring and Match Play Champion” trophy to have for “one” years’ time and will turn it in before one month before the next year’s Club (single’s Championship event) championship and Match-Play Semi Finals start. Club (single’s Champion) and Match Play champion is responsible for returning trophy. If said member doesn’t return the following season, he must turn Trophy in before New season starts. (revised 2024)

The powers, management and government of the club shall be vested in, exercised, conducted and controlled by the Executive Committee. The club shall, however, be governed basically in accordance with democratic principles, and to that end, except to the extent that vested rights of third persons dealing with the club may be affected, each power of duty conferred by these by-laws upon any officer or committee created by the club or Executive committee there of shall be subject to the control of the Executive Committee and to the same extent, each power or duty conferred upon the Executive Committee shall be subject to the control of the membership.

Section 1. The Executive Committee will consist of the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer, Handicap Director, Outing Coordinator, Recording Secretary, Web-Master, Competition Committee & Rules chairman. All must be in good standing of the Nomad Golf Association. And they shall exercise all powers of management of the club not specifically excepted by these By-Laws. 

Section 2. We want any Any member that wants to help out anyway they can. If they would like to be part of the executive board they may. 

Section 3. Bylaw Deleted 2/15/2024

Section 4. Bylaw Deleted 2/15/2024.

Section 5. The Executive Committee will meet in the end of the fiscal year (January) & July of every year. 

The Executive Committee shall have the power to repeal or amend any of the club by-laws. Any action by the Executive Committee to amend the by-laws will become effective after a majority vote, approving such action, by the club members present at the meeting. In addition, for this action to become effective, the majority vote must equal, at a minimum, 10% of the total number of Club members.


1. To preside as chairman at all meetings of the club. To ensure that the by-laws and the rules and regulations of the club are properly and equitably enforced, and to report to the Executive Committee or to the membership of the club any infractions by member(s) or group (s) thereof.
2. To cause an audit to be made of the books and records of the club, as necessary.
3. To maintain members listing of all club members. This list will be mailed to all members in April of each year.
4. The President and Outing Controller will coordinate all activities associated with club golf trips, including establishing committees to accomplish the goal of the activity.
5. Will be a member of the Executive Committee and preside over the annual Executive Committee meeting.
6. Will correspond with Outing Coordinator with any worthwhile events or news for newsletter.

1. During periods of absence or disability of the President, to perform his duties until he is able to resume them or until he is replaced, by a special meeting of the members.
2. To arrange and direct all of the club’s amusements, celebrations or social events. To appoint such person (s) or committees as necessary to aid in the performance of his duties.
3. Responsible for coordinating all “closest to the pin” and or “low net” contests at all outings. Each outing shall have a minimum of two (2) closest to the pin contests.
4. Will be a member of the Executive Committee.
7. Will correspond with Recording Secretary with any worthwhile events or news for newsletter or web site.

1. To record the handicap of each club member that returns scores on forms provided by the NGA after each tournament or outing.
2. To review all handicaps of members for accuracy and possible adjustment bi-yearly.
3. To make available to the Web Master a listing of all club members’ current handicap.
4. Will be a member of the Competition Committee.
5. Will be a member of the Executive Committee.
6. Will correspond with Recording Secretary with any worthwhile events or news for newsletter or web site.

WEB MASTER: (Not an elected position)
1. Maintain, up-date and keep web site ( current and available to all NGA members & the World Wide Web.
2. Will not be a member of the Executive Committee.
3. Will correspond with Recording Secretary with any worthwhile events or news for newsletter. (Revised 12/05/2012)

1. Maintain club checkbook, pay all bills submitted, and retain vouchers for bills submitted.
2. Use standard accounting practices to establish an accounting system unique to the needs of our club. The system designed to satisfy our needs would clearly show the total amount of money received and spent on a tournament basis. The system will also clearly state the club’s financial solvency on a continual basis.
3. A bi-monthly accounting report will be provided to the membership at each bi-monthly meeting and will be made available to any member upon request. The report will include, at a minimum, a reconciliation of the previous month’s tournament revenues and expenditures, identification of all pre-tournament deposits by tournament for the current fiscal year, assets of the club (by category) and in total, total available cash, identification of club liabilities by dollar amount, breakdown of how the revenue generated from the annual renewal of club membership has been spent and the remaining balance, and a summary of the financial condition of the club.
4. Collect all monies associated with the renewal of new and existing club members. Deposit all funds in the club’s checking account, after completing the renewal process. Create a new membership list for club members and present a summary report of the renewal process to Executive Committee at the next bi-monthly meeting.
5. To coordinate all activities associated with annual renewal of existing club membership and new membership, including transmittal of this information to the NGA. These activities include any change in membership information, required to be submitted to the NGA that is maintained by the club.
6. Will be a member of the Executive Committee.
7. Will correspond with Recording Secretary with any worthwhile events or news for newsletter or web site.

1. To secure tee times for all outings for the current season a minimum of 4-days in advance.
2. To purchase awards, trophies, gift certificates, or prizes to the winners of outings and meetings as he deems appropriate.
3. To coordinate the mailing or e-mailings at the beginning of each bi-monthly season with a current NGA schedule to all members.
4. Email the club web master a copy of the current schedule for posting on the club web site. The green fees charged by each course.
5. To give the club President and web master a copy of the listing of players, by tee times, for each outing.
6. Will correspond with Recording Secretary with any worthwhile events or news for newsletter or web site.
7. Will be a member of the Executive Committee.

1. The Competition committee will consist of at least 3-current NGA members, one of which will be the Handicap Director.
2. Competition committee will determine each year’s formats of completion for annual NGA club championship outings.
3. Chairman will keep Outing Controller, web master informed on all current and proposed formats and outings being planned.
4. Committee will determine the number of flights for each year’s club championships. Number of flights may change year to year due to the amount of current active members.
5. Chairman of the Competition committee will be a member of the Executive Committee.
6. Will delegate the responsibility of purchasing prizes, beverages, and food for annual “Singles Club Championship” buffet.
7. Will correspond with Recording Secretary with any worthwhile events or news for newsletter or web site.
8. Competition & Rules Chairmen have been combined into one executive board position. (Revised 12/05/2012)

1. To judge and rule on any controversy at any competitive outing.
2. Will be a member of the “Competition Committee”.
3. Will be a member of the Executive Committee.
4. Will correspond with Recording Secretary with any worthwhile events or news for newsletter or web site.
5. Competition & Rules Chairmen have been combined into one executive board position. (Revised 12/05/2012)

To keep a full and complete record of the proceedings of the club’s meetings and to make sure that all information of the club’s activities are mailed to outing coordinator or web master so all info can be forwarded to members, as necessary.

Will be a member of the Executive Committee.

Will correspond with Outing Coordinator with any worthwhile events or news for newsletter or web site.

Will write a club newsletter that will be included in the bi-monthly mailing or e-mail to each member. The newsletter will include any local tournaments, club schedule, NGA outing sign-up procedure and any other important club news or newsworthy information.
Eliminated (12/05/2012)

The two officers of the club shall be listed on Checking account and be authorized to sign checks. TREASURER and VICE-PRESIDENT will have authorization to write checks for the club.

No significant amount of the Club’s annual membership dues will be spent without approval by the members of the Club. Approval or disapproval of the expenditure will be determined by a simple majority vote of the members present at the meeting. Significant means any amount over ($150.00)

Local Rules

Hazard Tee shot lost ball

Put one ball in (red staked, Pond, water) either hit another ball in or go to drop zone. Put 2nd ball in hazard from tee or drop zone, go directly to nearest point of 2nd ball crossed hazard. Dropping 4 hitting 5.

Pick up rule:

Everyone who is entered in low net must enter a score for each hole. If a player chooses to pick up (Excluding Match Play) That player is INELIGIBLE to win any prizes in low net and must enter a score of double par for the hole they picked up on and circle it on the scorecard. Revised February 2024.

Match Play- All competitors must decide before the round what method they are going to use to break a tie and inform a member of the executive committee of their decision. Players have the following options while realizing that some options may not be available.

Option 1 play additional holes on same course until tie is broken.

Option 2 agree to play an additional 18 holes at a future date on a course agreed to by both parties

Option 3 Go to cards (Card tie breaking rule determined by the executive committee)  

Golfer of the Year:

The criteria for determining Golfer of the year will be the golfer who earns the most points throughout the year. The following is how golfers earn points:

Objectives:  To reward the top golfer in the club that combines participation, camaraderie and winning.

Eligibility: All Club members in good standing.

Regular tournaments minimum 24 members participating*

            1st place           25 points

            2nd place          18 points

            3rd place          11 points

            4th place             7 points

            5th place             4 points

All participants that turn in completed scorecard   1 point

Spring and Club championships*

            1st place           60 points

            2nd place          40  points

            3rd place          25 points

            4th place           15 points

            5th place             8 points

            6th place             6 points

            7th place             4 points

            All participants that turn in completed scorecard   2 points

Match play  Championship

            Champion       60 points                    

            2nd place          30points         

            Lose in 4th rd   12 points                    

            Lose in 3rd rd    8 points                    

            Lose in 2nd rd    4 points        

            Lose in 1st rd     2 points        

Team Championship (pts. for each team member)

            1st place           30 points

            2nd place          20 points

            3rd place           14 points

            4th place           10 points

            5th place             7 points

            6th place             5 points

            7th place             3 points

All teams that turn in completed scorecard   2 points

*All players that utilize the pick up rule for any stroke play tournament will be assigned   last place points



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